Creative Friends

Brands, fashion, Uncategorized

My friends all have talents. Some are more visible than others, but isn’t that true with everyone?

Everyone has something different to offer in life and we all can contribute different things to our relationships.

Spend and save 

Brands, Mom Life

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. 

Who doesn’t love a good savings? When you have kids it seems as though your money just doesn’t go as far. Kids stuff is not cheap and to be honest nothing’s really cheap anymore. There is no such thing as .05 cent candies anymore people ! Those .05 cent candies are now .25 cents !!! What the what ?! 

So using a method like Groupon Coupons is a great way to save a dollar when your spending a dollar. I love saving money and I don’t really know many people that don’t, especially when you are buying stuff you would already be buying. Shopping online and saving money is even better, you don’t have to drag your kids into store after store trying to find that item(s) your looking for and you also get to save money with using coupons ….  #winning. 

Groupon Coupons is so simple and easy to use and is a great way of finding some amazing savings on the things you love most. 

Start saving and shopping now by clicking the link below 

Shop Now
You can also find groupon on social media 



Be raw. Be bold. Be you. 

Life, Mom Life

I’ve been through my fair share of struggles. I’m not someone that’s always had a voice or had the strength to talk about my struggles. 

For over a decade I suffered in silence of fear that I was weird and too different that I was a freak and someone that had a “problem”. Yes I suppose I do have a problem, I struggle on the daily with crippling anxiety and depression.
I don’t struggle in just the winter or just when I’ve had a “rough” day. I struggle to sometimes know my purpose. I struggle to know why god put me on this planet. I wonder who would miss me if I was gone. This isn’t a “normal” way to live and to be completely honest it’s awful. 

It’s something I cry often about, it’s something I am still ashamed and embarrassed of and it’s something I wish I could change myself. 

Having lived my entire life dealing with this I have learned what helps me function better (exercise and routine) are two of the major things that help me. I am a person that’s typically extremely organized and at times I find myself so lost on where to go or what to do. With also being self employed you are responsible for your own daily routine which can be amazing and also a downfall.

 It’s hard to stay motivated it’s hard to never have that escape of leaving to go to work to surround yourself with familiar faces all the time. Isolation is not the best for someone that struggles like me. I’ve found myself really struggling to leave the house after a few days of working strictly from home. To most people it’s no big deal to quickly go to Walmart or go get groceries, for me it can be. I find myself almost giving myself a pep talk to go out and do it. Most days I push myself, most days I carry on like I’ve got it somewhat together, but let me tell you friends there are days that I can’t get dressed, I can’t do my hair, I can barely parent. Those are the days that are not talked about, those are the days that are life changing for some. 

I have the most respect for people that speak out and share their challenges, they share their differences, they share that they aren’t perfect ! None of us are perfect. I am a mess some days and I’m not a perfect mom, or wife,  I’m not a perfect friend or daughter but shit I sure do try my best. 

I started this blog because I needed to. I’m certainly not a writer. I have terrible grammar and spelling but I really don’t care. I needed this to be somewhere I could run to, somewhere I could inspire others, a place I could just be me. A place other people found comfort in visiting and sharing. I wanted this blog to be a safe place. I find comfort in knowing I’m not alone on this journey. I’m sharing this not for pitty but to bring awareness to mental health issues. 

I may have nice pictures on my Instagram or blog and I might look like I have it all together but I want to be super real and honest with anyone that reads this or follows me and say I’m not perfect. I struggle. I have had and will continue to have bad days. I want you to know if your reading this and something has hit home I’m here for you, I might not always have the right things to say but I’ll always have an ear to listen. 

Thank you for reading this and for being apart of my journey, I really do appreciate each person that follows me so much. 



Valentines day with your daughter

Holidays, Mom Life, Uncategorized



Valentines day has never been my favorite. I think it’s super over rated however after having Harlow every single holiday no matter what it is, is so much better and a reason to celebrate. This year she understands it more so it’s fun to see her excited.

Being more present in everyday life is so important to me.

It always has been but this year I have a whole new focus and desire to really embrace and be more present in moments with my family. I want to really create lasting memories.

For me a great memory doesn’t have to cost a dollar and it certainly doesn’t have to be a lavish vacation. Just a moment you spend really focused on each other, no distractions. Exploring, learning, laughing and enjoying life’s most precious gift which is time and relationships.

This year for Valentines day we made a Cake together and decorated it. We went shopping together and selected little gifts for her friends that she really loved and we handmade our own Valentines day cards for her to give away. It was a fabulous day and something I will not forget. Her little hands mixing the cake batter and getting icing all over her face, her rubbing her belly when she had a bite of cake and saying “It’s delicious mom”. I live for those simple moments.

Being a bit OCD or maybe a lot. I had a really hard time allowing mess to happen or having things out of place from where they are regularly. I became more aware of how I was being and how much I don’t want to be that way and don’t get me wrong, I still struggle at moments. I’m definitely not perfect but I’m aware and really making a better effort to change. Being a hovering parent isn’t something that I want to be and I certainly don’t want her to be worried to play and be creative because of a fear of making a mess. When she’s awake we play and make messes together and when she’s asleep I clean.

Hope your inspired to spend more time in the moment even if it’s just baking a cake together with no distractions.

Happy Valentines day !



1. Mailbox- Target

2. Memory Match Symbols game- Tree Fort Trees

3. Bandades- Target

4. Pjs- Old Navy

Be Good to Yourself

Life, Mom Life, Uncategorized

Do you ever wonder why in this crazy fast world we don’t spend more time just sitting in silence alone? or why we don’t take more time to do the things we love and enjoy?

I’m Starting this year off with a new direction.

I’m starting a new series on the blog and hope that you’ll subscribe and join along with this new series called “SELF LOVE”

I want to start a safe and real chat monthly. Something that could potentially turn into weekly. A place to connect with more of you on a personal level. To be honest when I think of where I want the blog to go or why I started it in the first place it’s to inspire, to support, and to listen to others. I want other moms to be able to connect through here to share your really bad days and also share your wins. I want somewhere there is absolutely no judgement a place where we can talk about real and raw subjects a place that challenges us on the daily and inspires us to take better care of ourselves. I’m also going to share more about my struggles as well.

One of my best friends is joining me for the first part of this journey and I want her to share her talents and her wins as well as her struggles. My hope is that someone finds comfort in the fact that they aren’t alone and that yes in fact we are all people, we all struggle on the daily. Not to mention it’s so extremely important to take care of yourself and put yourself first. I have a real hard time doing that at times and I’ve had some major mom guilt in the past but I am learning to overcome that and be better about putting myself at least on the list.

One of my favourite quotes at the moment is …

“You cant pour from an empty cup”.

 That quote is so true, so lets work on changing that together. Please if you have suggestions or a topic you would like to see discussed on the blog please feel free to comment below or send me an email

Can’t wait to connect and get to know more of you better and also support and uplift you anyway I can.



A Letter to my baby

Mom Life




Today is your Third birthday.

How did that even happen? I feel like yesterday I was sitting in that hospital bed wondering If you would ever make your appearance into the world. You were a fighter right from the start with how you came into this world and you still are.

You have the most amazing personality, always saying “Hi” to everyone you meet, jumping, skipping and twirling wherever you go. Your never afraid to just be you, that’s something I admire so much. You’ve taught me more in the last 3 years than I’ve learned in a lifetime, your constantly challenging me and testing my patience but the love I have for you is so indescribable.

When I see you dancing like no one is watching it brings me so much joy, your laughter is contagious and a sound I never want to stop hearing. We have done so much together already but the moments that its just me and you, having a one on one conversation those are the moments my heart treasures most. When your sleeping I sneak into your room to just sit at the foot of your bed and watch you dream or to give you a few extra kisses on the forehead, I’ve done that since you first came home from the hospital. I know one day you may not want me to kiss you goodnight or give me hugs in front of your friends, but I want you to know as long as I can I will sneak in to check on you after your asleep to give you a few extra kisses. I will reminisce about past memories we have made together until I can no longer remember. I will ALWAYS be your biggest cheerleader and support system, you’ll always be my baby.

I hope you have the most amazing day today and that you remember what’s actually important on birthdays, its not about the gifts or the cake its about living in the moment, spending time with family and celebrating the fact that your one year old and we have another year ahead to dance together. I love you my baby girl.



Photos: Warin Marie Photography


Spread LOVE & JOY

Mom Life




When you have a child your focus changes. Your life changes in so many ways. It’s actually difficult to explain just how different it is until you actually just live it. I never thought it would be as challenging as it is I find myself wondering if I could actually juggle 4 children like I had always wanted. I’m still thinking 2 might be a lot of work.

My biggest goal with becoming a mom is to make sure Harlow knows just how unconditionally loved she is. I also have other things I make an effort to do in everyday life to make sure she knows just how much she means to me and how blessed we are to wake up each day.

With starting a new year it’s in a bit of a clean slate and a reason to remind ourselves about what’s important.

One of my biggest goals in life is to live a meaningful and authentic life.

What does that mean ?

Well for me living a meaningful life means that I make a conscious effort to leave this world better than when I arrived. To make an effort to spread love and joy to others, to be real with myself and raw so others may feel comfort in the fact that they aren’t alone. To be a light in sometimes a very dark world and to be a leading example for my daughter Harlow. This is a daily battle that I continue to work towards, it’s so easy to get wrapped up in the crazy day-to-day life and forget, however I am starting this new year with a fresh reminder that this is my passion and purpose …. it’s my reason.

Every day I am holding myself accountable to do a random act to make someone smile. It might not always be something that costs money it could be something so simple as:

  • Giving someone a compliment at the park.
  • Asking how a strangers day is.
  • Giving someone your grocery cart.
  • Writing someone a quick note.
  • Holding the door open a little extra longer in a public place.
  • Dropping a coffee off to a friend.
  • Writing your spouse a note.
  • Spend time at the local animal shelter
  • Talking extra time to tell someone you appreciate them.
  • Sending snail mail to a friend
  • Shovelling your neighbors driveway in the winter
  • Mowing your neighbors grass in the summer
  • Volunteer in your community

The thing about doing most of these things is that they don’t necessarily cost you a lot of money they just take up a bit of time. Which means there is really no excuse. As a mom I want my daughter to be taught to be a caring, compassionate, loving, accepting and giving person. I want her to want to be a better person and to want to make this world a bit better of a place. I’d love for you to join me in spreading love and joy in 2017 !

Happy 2017 !!!

Family fun, Holidays

Holy crap ! Can’t even believe another year has rolled by. This year seem to go even faster than previous years maybe because we were so busy. I feel like the busier you are the faster time goes by. Anyone else feel that way ? 

We had a wonderful Christmas this year just spending it quietly at home and really doing what we wanted. No running around to dinners and being stuck in the car driving for hours on end. We stayed in our Jammie’s, ate delicious food, had lots of laughs and made and did our own family traditions. I really couldn’t have asked for a better Christmas. Christmas Day we opened our gifts in pjs and had a delicious homemade breakfast. We let Harlow play with her new toys as we packed the truck for a family drive up to fresh new snow. Before leaving town we made a stop at the local seniors home to drop off coffee and goodies to the people working that day and to also say hi to the residents that might not get any visitors that day. Harlow was so excited to run the halls of the home and wish people a merry Christmas which was so heartwarming to see. 

We then headed for the fresh powder snow to play in. We spent time enjoying each other’s company without social media and distractions. After getting chilled to the bone we made our way home to get warm and start our yummy dinner. 

After dinner we piled into the truck to go look at Christmas lights and then finished off the evening with cuddling on the couch to watch a Christmas movie. It was literally the perfect day. 

I hope you and your family enjoyed your time together. If you were running around like crazy I encourage you to make the change next year and start your own traditions. Be present in the moment, turn off your phones, create memories your children will remember. 

